a man smiling while driving a car

How Automotive Social Advertising and Persistent Follow-Up Sealed the Deal: Ausencio’s Journey

In the competitive landscape of automotive sales, every lead is crucial. But when you’re dealing with high-funnel leads from Facebook and Instagram, the game changes entirely. These leads require a lot more nurturing and patience. Traditional CRMs often fall short in managing these social leads effectively. Dealers already struggle to follow up with website leads, and doubling their lead volume with higher funnel automotive social advertising leads only compounds the challenge. Let me tell you a true story about one such lead, a man named Ausencio, and how our relentless follow-up over nearly two years and TECOBI’s innovative Auto Bot turned his interest into a sale.

The Initial Spark: A Lead from Facebook

It all started on November 24, 2022. Ausencio clicked on a Facebook ad for a new 2022 Chevrolet Silverado. This initial interaction marked the beginning of a lengthy engagement process. Unlike traditional leads, automotive social advertising leads are higher in the sales funnel. They require more nurturing, more communication, and a lot more patience.

From the get-go, TECOBI’s Auto Bot sprang into action, sending a friendly message to Ausencio. “Hi Ausencio, thanks for clicking our ad on Facebook. Do you have any questions on the offer?” This was followed by a few more personalized messages over the next couple of days, asking about his preferences, trade-in options, and budget.

Hi Ausencio, what vehicle are you planning on trading in?” asked the Auto Bot. Then another, “Hey Ausencio, what type of monthly budget are you looking to stay within?” These messages aimed to engage Ausencio and understand his needs better.

Despite these efforts, Ausencio stopped responding after a few days. This is a common scenario with social leads—they often go cold and require persistent follow-up to rekindle interest. Traditional CRMs often fall short in managing these social leads effectively. This is where TECOBI’s automated follow-up system truly shines, ensuring no lead is left unattended or gets forgotten about.

A Silver Truck With A Red Background

How TECOBI Auto Bot Made the Difference for Automotive Social Advertising

Managing a high volume of leads is no small feat. That’s why we developed TECOBI’s automotive texting platform. We needed a way to ensure that no lead, no matter how high in the funnel, slipped through the cracks. The TECOBI Auto Bot was designed specifically to handle this challenge, providing continuous engagement and timely follow-ups that traditional CRMs simply can’t match. This capability is particularly vital when dealing with high-funnel leads from automotive social advertising, which demand more persistent nurturing to convert.

For Ausencio, the Auto Bot played a crucial role. After his initial engagement on Facebook, the Auto Bot maintained communication with a series of personalized messages. It asked questions about his preferences, followed up on his trade-in options, and inquired about his budget. When Ausencio stopped responding, the Auto Bot didn’t give up. It continued to send friendly reminders and updates, ensuring that Carlson Chevrolet stayed top of mind. This relentless follow-up is what sets TECOBI apart in the realm of automotive AI, helping dealerships manage and convert a large volume of social media leads.

The Auto Bot’s assistance extended beyond just initial follow-ups. It also sent special offers, holiday greetings, and even jokes to keep the interaction engaging and less transactional. This approach kept the conversation alive and built a relationship with Ausencio over time. The Auto Bot’s capability to send messages at the right intervals ensured that Ausencio was constantly reminded of Carlson Chevrolet’s offerings without feeling overwhelmed. This persistent yet personable follow-up strategy is a testament to the power of TECOBI’s automotive texting platform and its ability to handle the unique challenges posed by automotive social advertising leads.

Persistent Follow-Up: The Key to Success

For more than a year and a half, the Auto Bot diligently followed up with Ausencio, extending well beyond the typical CRM follow-up window. Below are some key moments from our message thread:

  • November 24, 2022: The Auto Bot kicked things off with a friendly message: “Hi 👋 Ausencio, thanks for clicking our ad on Facebook. Do you have any questions on the offer?”
  • November 25, 2022: The Auto Bot followed up early in the morning: “How much are you looking to get for your vehicle you want to trade in?”
  • January 19, 2024: After a period of no response, the Auto Bot re-engaged: “Hey Ausencio! It’s Alonzo from Carlson Chevrolet. I noticed you clicked on our Facebook ad. Is there anything specific you’re interested in? Let me know how I can assist you!”
  • January 25, 2024: A week later, the Auto Bot sent a follow-up: “Hey Ausencio, why don’t we put the pedal to the metal on finding your perfect ride? 🚗💨 How about we schedule a test drive that fits into your turbo-charged life? Let’s get you behind the wheel! 🏁”
  • January 30, 2024: Keeping the engagement light and fun: “Hey Ausencio, want to hear a joke? Why did the car apply for a job? It wanted to drive home a paycheck! 😂 On a serious note, interested in learning about our financing options to get you into that perfect ride? 🚗💸 Let’s chat!”
  • February 1, 2024: Continuing the consistent follow-up: “Hey Ausencio, hope you’re doing great! Just wanted to touch base about the trucks you liked. Have you had a chance to check out the links I sent? Let’s find the perfect one for you! 🚚💨”
  • February 3, 2024: Another nudge to keep the conversation going: “Hey Ausencio! Hope you’re having a good morning. 😄 Just wanted to follow up – were you able to decide on a truck from our inventory? Let’s get you behind the wheel! 🚚💨”
  • March 24, 2024: A direct invitation to schedule an appointment: “Hello Ausencio 🙂 I still have a few times open for tomorrow. Right now I can do a 10:45, 12:15, or 2:15. Which would you prefer?”
  • April 13, 2024: Highlighting a promotional offer: “Heard about no down payment options to keep your wallet happy? Want to save that cash for a rainy day? ☔💰”
  • May 2, 2024: As we neared the finish line, the Auto Bot kept up the momentum: “Hey Ausencio, glad you reached out! We can discuss payment options that fit your budget. When’s a good time to chat?”

This persistent follow-up paid off when Ausencio decided it was time to make his move. After months of receiving engaging and informative messages from the Auto Bot, he finally reached out to schedule an appointment. When Ausencio walked into Carlson Chevrolet, he was already well-acquainted with our offers and ready to take the next step. The trust and rapport built through continuous communication culminated in a successful visit, where we closed the deal and handed him the keys to his new vehicle.

Seamless Transactions in the Digital Age

In today’s fast-paced world, customers expect convenience and efficiency in every aspect of their lives, including car shopping. This was evident in Ausencio’s journey with us. A significant portion of the car deal was conducted over text message, a testament to the evolving landscape of automotive sales. From completing a credit application to texting in his driver’s license and other necessary documents, Ausencio’s experience highlights the importance of adapting to modern communication preferences.

Working with customers over text message is not just about convenience; it’s about meeting them where they are. Text messaging allows for quick, clear, and direct communication, enabling customers to respond at their convenience without the pressure of immediate replies required in phone calls. This method is especially crucial for high-funnel leads who may not be ready to commit immediately but appreciate the ability to gather information and ask questions without feeling rushed.

A Screenshot Of A Chat

Moreover, the ability to handle significant parts of the transaction via text message streamlines the process, reduces the time spent in the dealership, and enhances customer satisfaction. In Ausencio’s case, by the time he visited Carlson Chevrolet, much of the groundwork had been laid. This efficient use of technology not only saved time but also built trust and rapport, demonstrating that we value our customers’ time and are willing to accommodate their preferred modes of communication.

The Results Speak for Themselves

Now, let’s talk numbers. TECOBI’s platform didn’t just help us stay in touch with Ausencio; it delivered results. With a total spend of $10,435, Carlson Chevrolet sold 63 cars. That’s a cost per sale of just $166. To put that in perspective, the national average cost per car sold is about $700. We’re not just doing better than average; we’re crushing it.

A Screenshot Of Automotive Social Advertising

Here’s a snapshot of our performance:

  • Spend: $10,435
  • Solds: 63
  • Cost per Sold: $166
  • Engagement Rate: 74% (1,781 engaged leads out of 2,417 new leads)
  • Set Rate: 37% (655 appointments set out of 1,781 engaged leads)
  • Show Rate: 36% (234 appointments showed out of 655 set appointments)
  • Sold Rate: 27% (63 sales out of 234 appointments showed)

The Takeaway

Ausencio’s journey from a Facebook click to driving away in his new car shows the power of persistent follow-up. It’s about more than just selling cars; it’s about building relationships and staying top of mind. TECOBI’s Auto Bot makes this possible, managing high lead volumes and ensuring that no potential customer is left behind.

This story isn’t just about Ausencio; it’s about how Carlson Chevrolet, uses innovative tools like our automotive texting platform and automotive AI to turn interest into sales. If you’re in the car business and you’re not leveraging the power of follow-up and automation, you’re missing out. TECOBI was created because we saw a need—a need to handle the massive lead volume that social media generates and to fix the broken follow-up processes in traditional CRMs.

The journey of Ausencio is proof that with the right tools and a relentless follow-up strategy, you can turn any lead into a sale. It’s about staying connected, staying persistent, and ultimately, staying ahead.

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Jason Girdner
Jason Girdner

Jason Girdner is a visionary entrepreneur and the driving force behind TECOBI, a pioneering automotive advertising technology company renowned for its innovative approach to dealership marketing and sales. With a rich background in automotive sales and a deep passion for technology, Jason co-founded TECOBI to address the evolving communication preferences in the automotive industry, particularly the shift towards text messaging as a primary communication channel.

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