Rapid Rapport: How Carlson Chevrolet’s Text-First Lead Strategy with TECOBI

At the cutting edge of automotive sales, Carlson Chevrolet is setting a new industry standard for customer engagement and conversion. By implementing TECOBI’s revolutionary text messaging platform, we’ve not only achieved the fastest lead response in the industry but also cultivated a rapport-building approach that precedes phone calls, contributing to our astonishing 83% appointment set rate from CarGurus leads.

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KPIs for CarGurus Leads at Carlson Chevrolet

The Strategy of Speed and Connection

TECOBI’s platform has been a game-changer for us, offering a seamless way to instantly connect with in-market shoppers. Our 88% engagement rate from 33 new leads is not just about being first—it’s about being first with purpose. The text message’s passive yet personal nature allows us to introduce our brand, answer initial questions, and establish a connection, which in turn sets the stage for more fruitful telephone conversations.

Appointment Setting with a Personal Touch

The rapport developed via TECOBI’s text messaging leads to more than just conversations—it leads to trust. This month, 24 of the engaged prospects scheduled appointments to visit our dealership, a clear indication of the effectiveness of our text-before-talk strategy. By the time we make that follow-up call, there’s already a familiar tone and a sense of trust that amplifies our chances of setting an appointment.

Beyond the Initial Text

Our text-first approach does more than just initiate dialogue; it transforms the very nature of customer interaction. About half of our set appointments walked through our doors, with a remarkable buying rate among those who visited. This isn’t a coincidence—it’s the result of the cultivated rapport that begins with our text messages and flows through the entire sales process.

Carlson Chevrolet’s approach, empowered by TECOBI’s technology, is writing a new playbook for the automotive industry. We believe that the pathway to high conversion begins with a single text message—a strategy proven by this month’s KPIs with CarGurus leads. By building relationships from the first message, we’re not just selling cars; we’re creating trust and building rapport with customers.

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Jason Girdner
Jason Girdner

Jason Girdner is a visionary entrepreneur and the driving force behind TECOBI, a pioneering automotive advertising technology company renowned for its innovative approach to dealership marketing and sales. With a rich background in automotive sales and a deep passion for technology, Jason co-founded TECOBI to address the evolving communication preferences in the automotive industry, particularly the shift towards text messaging as a primary communication channel.

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